Daddy-Day, Resurrection Eggs, and Kid's Memories

Okay, today apparently was “Daddy Day” at the Feller house… Celeste woke up from her nap and didn’t want anything to do anyone except for me.. I guess it’s because Sunday afternoons are normally the time she gets one-on-one with me (just happens like that, no particular reason)….

It’s amazing to me the things kids in general (and my kids in particular) remember. Take Chloe, for example. There are three events that she speaks of all the time – One, our trip to see the “first airplane with Dave” last summer (we had a friend down from Chicago last summer – when Chloe had just turned 2 – and we drove out to Kitty Hawk one day with him); two, our trip to Sea World (went this past Christmas break), and then the trip to Kid Fest last year at the Greenville Convention Center where she got to see a firetruck and helicopter… She talks about those three things all the time.

So yesterday was this year’s Kid Fest and so we went again. Chloe was so excited when we pulled into the Convention Center. Unfortunately, they didn’t have a fire truck this year. However, they did have a real-live snake, a bear skin, and we got to see Uncle Ken – so I think she had a good day.

It just makes me think about how little things are so important for her – maybe that’s why Celeste was so set on spending time with me today; perhaps unconsciously she knew today was “our” day…

The real purpose of this post, though, is because Chloe was given a set of Resurrection Eggs this week. This is a tradition that I have (unfortunately) not been aware of until this past year. She has a package with 1 dozen plastic eggs in it, and in each egg is something that signifies a part of the passion story. Yesterday she opened an egg and it had a small crown of thorns, earlier this week she opened eggs with fruit loops (to signify the last supper) and a perfumed cotton ball (to signify the perfume that Mary used to anoint Jesus before he entered Jerusalem). Each day we read a Bible verse the describes what ever it is the item is for. Think of it like an advent calendar-type activity but for the 12 days leading up to Easter.

What’s wonderful about it is that everyday Chloe wakes up and wants to open one of her eggs – which then leads to a brief discussion of what Jesus did for us and how much he loves us. It’s been a positive experience for us.

All these little things, I’m learning make a huge impact on the girls. I just pray I do a good enough job of these little things that they all add up to good big things…

One thought on “Daddy-Day, Resurrection Eggs, and Kid's Memories

  1. Tom,
    I want to affirm you, as a husband and as a dad. You ARE doing a good enough job, because you are pointing your family to Jesus Christ. He is your firm foundation that you are building on. You are continually planting seeds of faith and God will give the increase.

    I want you to know that Dad and I are praying that both Chloe and Celeste will invite Jesus into their hearts at a young age. Your testimony will be one of the greatest influences in their decision. Keep doing what you are doing – it’s those little things, day in and day out, that make the difference.

    Love you,

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